Stéphanie Wahab PhD, MSW
Stéphanie Wahab holds graduate degrees in Social Work/Welfare from the University of Washington’s School of Social Work. She currently teaches motivational interviewing, social justice, intimate partner violence, and qualitative research classes at Portland State University’s School of Social Work in her role as Professor.
Stéphanie has trained a diversity of service providers including, but not limited to, social workers, health, and public health care providers, mental health and school counselors, harm reductionists, case managers, supervisors, and lay practitioners in a range of fields.
Click here for Stéphanie Wahab’s CV to learn more about her work and background in MI, and here for her profile at Portland State University.
Quotes from some of her clients:
“Dr. Wahab serves an invaluable role to our community with her wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of motivational interviewing (MI), substance abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV). In regard to abuse, its causes and its impact on families, I look to Dr. Wahab as one of the national experts on this poignant topic.”
“I am an internist and am frequently faced with patients who have medical issues that can be improved by making changes, big or small. I have recognized that Motivational Interviewing is a useful tool since I first took a class over 10 years ago. I have also pursued opportunities for learning more about it at conferences. I didn’t feel like I had a handle on it until I went to Stéphanie’s 2 day training. She is a skilled teacher and clearly an expert in Motivational Interviewing.
Now I elicit change talk instead of telling people what they need to do and I actually enjoy the interactions more, and I have seen more success amongst my patients. Stéphanie’s class was well worth my time and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who engages in patient care.”
“Our agency supported Stéphanie to come and do a two-day training and it was so well received that we are bringing her back 2 more times. We had medical providers, behavioral health therapists and community health workers all training together and Stéphanie was able to meet all their needs and the group loved the diversity. Participants stated that they felt the positive impact of the training in their work.”